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Our Cedar Hill ISD Compensation package is designed to ensure we promote an atmosphere that attracts, motivates and retains high performing employees and provides support to the organizational mission to educate, empower and inspire.  By researching and evaluating the organizational needs of the district and assessing market trends, we proactively ensure our compensation programs are competitive and align with our district's philosophy.

We believe our compensation package is designed to support and reinforce our mission by attracting high quality educators to drive high quality academics that meet the scholars needs in a positive learning environment. Therefore, the goal of the Cedar Hill ISD Human Resources Department is to attract and hire the best through competitive salaries and a comprehensive benefits plan; build and motivate the best; and retain talented employees that help cultivate the best work environment for our staff and scholars.


FINALCompensationManual24-25Updated1-30 (PDF)
The competitive CHISD salary and benefits package makes it one of the best in the southern Dallas County area. Starting Teacher is Salary $60,000.

Click here for the CHISD Compensation Manual

On November 7, 2023; Cedar Hill ISD voters approved the district's voter-approved tax rate election. Thanks to our voters, CHISD can increase our teacher pay; and hire additional police officers to comply with HB 3.

Click here for VATRE Update presentation to the chisd board of trustees